Conflict minerals

With regard to conflict minerals, we follow the nationally and internationally recognized framework guidelines. We implement the requirements of the European Conflict Mineral Regulation (EU) 2017/821 on due diligence obligations in the supply chain for Union importers of tungsten from conflict-affected and high-risk areas accordingly. Our suppliers from Asia are audited on an ongoing basis by the Responsible Minerals Initiative with regard to the implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

Our supply chain strategy is to source from certified RMI smelters.

If you require further information on the subject of conflict minerals and the corresponding ordinance, you will find it under this link of the Federal Ministry of Finance or for direct information from us, please send us a message to 

Story & Sustainability

Over 100 years ago, the great-grandfather founded the family sawmill.
The raw material wood has always played an important role for us and thus lays the foundation for our current love of sustainability.

We believe that the existing resources of the earth should be used and want to support this with our company in the form of reusing well-preserved, used machines.

Previously carefully checked by us, we pass on valuable machines to you.

We want to do something good for the world. With the purchase of a used machine, we offer you the opportunity to put less strain on the world's resources without noticeable sacrifice.